VYTIGEN wood putty
It is a single-component wood putty intended for the wood surface finishing.
Wood putty Vytigen is compatible with all types of colours, varnishes, pastes and oils. It can be diluted in water without limits. The time of drying (depending on wood moisture) ranges from 20 to 180 minutes with one layer and the temperature of environment 21 °C. The size of coated layer is practically unlimited during the putty stratification. Putty VYTIGEN does not crack even in thicker layers, it has a very strong structure and adhesiveness to the coated base. Its usage also supports the protection of wood.
The putty will serve during the cementing and surface finishing of wood asperities, fibreboards, jointing boards, plywood and glued paper boards.
It is manufactured in various colours and shades (white, basic, natural, maple, ash, aspen, spruce, pine, red spruce, beech, oak, mahogany, birch, cherry, etc.)