Aquaizol - liquid double-component hydroisolation

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AQUAIZOL is a double-component flexible coating substance on the base of modified cement mixture. It is determined for hydroisolation of building constructions. It is produced in two components, which after their mixture, create plastic, tixothrope and lightly applicable mixture

  • Resistant against water leakage
  • For both internal and external usage
  • Permanent flexibility and adhesion

AQUAIZOL is a double-component flexible coating substance on the base of modified cement mixture. It is determined for hydroisolation of building constructions. It is produced in two components, which after their mixture, create plastic, tixothrope and lightly applicable mixture.

AQUAIZOL is used as a coating substance for surface application for concrete, coatings, middle facades, masonry. Also for bridging hair cracks, as anti-corrosive and anti-carbonate coating for concrete, as anti-radon coating of building constructions (detailed specification at technical card), in both exteriors and interiors, under and above any terrain.

AQUAIZOL is ideal for constructions catching water (tanks and water cisterns in connection with epoxide or polyurethane coatings and so on), constructions, where a high operation reliabilty is required, for hydroisolation of bathrooms, floors and roofs, where AQUAIZOL functions as flexible interlayer under reflexion coatings. Liquid component, as flat roofs penetration, may be bought separately (penetration consumption per 1 m2 cca 0,3 – 0,5 l, to dilute 1:2).


  1. Easy applicable. Ready to use after mixing with liquid and powder components.
  2. Creates flexible, highly adhesive membrane. It has got excellent adhesiveness to concrete, natural and artifitial stone, steel, galvanized metal plate, copper and so on.
  3. Low-permeable. It is highly resistant against water, frost and defrosting salts leakages.
  4. Resistant against corrosion, anti-slippery.
  5. Microporous (leaky for water vapours, but it does not support condensation).


Grey powder, milky white liquid, after drying cement-white colour. Temperature for application: min. +5°C. Period of processability: cca 0,5 h – 1 h. Typical final values at 20°C: Walking: after 16 hrs. Resistant against mechanic strain: after 3 days. Fully loadable: after 7 days (resistatnt permanent natural water pressure – rain and drainage water).

Instructions for application

Surface preparation

Surface must be solid and cohesive, clean, removed from dust, smear and other dirt. Steel reinforcement must be cleaned by anti-corrosive means. Rough surfaces and cracks must be repaired by some material. Soaking surfaces should be dampen down by water.


By brush, smoother, palette knife or by spraying. It is applied in 2-3 layers. each layer may have thickness max. only 1,5 mm. Walls thickenss is recommended up to 2 mm, floors 1-3 mm. Technological break of separe layers is 24 hours. Coating care – after its application the coating must be protected against sunshine from the reason of fast drying.

Health protection and safety

AQUAIZOL is not dangerous while properly applied. In spite of it, in compliance with general provisions for its manipulation with chemical substances, use protective clothes, gloves, glasses and respirator. Avoid any skin or eye contact with this substance.

AQUAIZOL is of alcalic character. After accidental skin contact, rinse with water and soap. After eye contact, rinse with a large amount of water and search for a medical help. When ingested – drink larger amount of water, do not cause vomitting, search for a medical help immediately.

R 36/37/38 It irritates eyes, respiratory organs and skin.
R 43 It may cause sensibility after skin contact.
S 2 Keep out of reach of children. S 26 In case of eye contact, rinse with large amount of water and search for medical help. S 22 Do not breath dust.
S36/37/38 Wear appropriate protective clothes, gloves and protective means for eyes and face.

Waste disposal: as communal waste, plastic containers into plastic picking.

Protect powder layer against humidity. Protect liquid component against frost and direct sunshine. (After freezing the liquid component may not be used!!!)
