Painting Powder Paint

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Packaging: 400g
Colour: Titanová běloba
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Tinting of painting, facade or other disperse colours and also for painting concrete mixtures. Appropriate into two-component systems as for example poured, laminated, coating epoxides in combination with other fillings – kaolin, chalk, mixed quarts, talc and so on. To reach light, soft shadows in combination with titanium ceruse.

  • Painting
  • Facade
  • Fronton for concrete

Colour type is given on cover.

Application purpose

Tinting of painting, facade or other disperse colours and also for painting concrete mixtures. Appropriate into two-component systems as for example poured, laminated, coating epoxides in combination with other fillings – kaolin, chalk, mixed quarts, talc and so on. To reach light, soft shadows in combination with titanium ceruse. It is recommended to try shadow of any colour system on a small area in advance. Powder paintings are mutually mixable without any limitations.

Application of powder painting

It is recommended to mix paintings with water (water systems) before usage-pigmentation in order to reach perfect homogenization of individual painting particles with water and then to pour the paste into painting or into substance. It is recommended to use powder paintings into 10% total content of painting or substance only.


per 100 kg of cement – 10 kg painting (painting mixture)

Work safety and protection:

Powder paintings are not flammable without any additives and adjustments and are not explosive as well. Use working clothes and protection of respiratory organs by anti-dust respirator while working. Safety Information Card and TP are available at For hands protection are sufficient gloves – leather, cloth, latex or rubber. When having skin contact - rinse by a water flow and wash with soap. When ingesting – drink larger amount of water and search for a medical help.

S-2 Keep out of reach of children. S-22 Do not breath dust.