Best Sellers

  1. Powder colours to cement

    Powder colours to cement are not harmful to health. They are intended for the colouring of concrete blends. It is possible to add them to...
  2. CHS Epoxy 324 - double-component epoxide resin

    This double-component epoxide glue is determined mainly for gluing, cementing, watering, eventaully laminating. It is hardened by...
  3. ZOL-KOV - epoxide liquid metal

    It can be applied mainly in machinery for repairs of castings uneveness from cast-iron, iron and different metal combinations, for...

Active filters

Rust cleaning and destroying at metal parts of machines, components, equipment, metal plates with non-rinsing effect, glossy working with high grade of resistance. Removing rust at repairs. It...
Sealing tape – elastic sealing tape from special polypropylene fabric with caoutchouc coating. Flexible sealing of corner wall gaps and flooring in combination with hydroisolation AQUAIZOL (poured...
Bronze cements are distinguished by good sliding. They will serve well in repairs of bronze and brass parts of machines, tanks and turbine angles. The cements are resistant to temperatures from 35...